Publicity for Paradise Beach Taverna and Captain Corelli's Mandolin:
Paradise Beach Taverna has found fame among celebrities from both Greece and abroad, most notably during the filming of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, across the bay in the town of Sami, when the whole crew, including Penelope Cruz, Nicolas Cage and John Hurt made the trip round the bay every night to eat at the Paradise Beach Taverna.
Nowhere else would do.
"The one place everyone used was the Paradise Beach Taverna . . . We had two or three long tables set aside for the film every night"
— Rough Guide to Cephallonia
"It's another balmy night and all the tables under thecanopy are taken. Surrounded by her family . . . is Penélope Cruz."
— The Times Magazine
John Hurt and Penelope Cruz with Nikoleta and Nikitas Dendrinos (centre)
Nicolas Cage with Nikoleta
John Hurt with Nikoleta and Georgia Dendrinos